Saturday, February 4, 2012

A WOW brand must be globally "advocated"

In order to assess the level of advocacy of consumers, I decided to interact with these consumers who said they "liked" a brand on Facebook.
I selected a short of TOP "liked" brand from the ranking posted last time: FMCG brands, most liked.
I created a new profile on Facebook and started posting comments on the wall of each brands such as :
"38 mios people liking Coca-Cola, what did the brand do to deserve that?"
" Oreo, what is this product, never heard about!"
" Are there any Starbucks in Paris, can't find one!"
"Why is Burberry so expensive?"

My intention was to measure the level of reactivity of the fans, if they were reacting.
I was quite disappointed with the number of comments I had (not so many, most of the time from the webmaster...).
To me, there can be 2 explanations :
- my Facebook profile was not credible enough to bother reacting on
- my posted were not involving/teasing the fan enough

Another limit I experienced is the filter on Facebook : I have been asked by the webmaster to stop posting comments on the walls, as they considered I was spamming! Very surprising attitude from a supposed sharing platform.

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