Saturday, February 4, 2012

A WOW brand must be globally "liked"

Looking for brands appreciated "globally" is not an easy one!!! No one is ready to run a research on 6 bios people...
So I decided to investigate on Facebook : 600 mios people - equiv. the 3rd country in the world.

Is there a ranking on the brand "liked"?
The one I found shows amazing figures!

35 mios fans for Coca-Cola, 25 mios for Starbucks, 22 mios for Red Bull...

What is amazing is the fact that all these consumers have clicked on "like" ; symbolically, it the consumer going towards the brand and not the brand communicating to the consumers.
It is the first steps when consumers become advocate of the brand.
And to me, the capacity of brand to have consumer advocates should be the key criteria to define WOW brand. But how can we assess Brand advocacy at a large scale?

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